The Flash Season 3 Episode 12 – “Untouchable” Review
ReviewsTV 8th February 2017 Jon Dingle 0

As the jigsaw pieces begin to slot into place for the impending showdown with Savitar, The Flash looked to once again proceed with hammering home the importance of each team member and their own personal investment.
This week saw the emergence of Flashpoint villain Clive Yorkin, a creation of Julian’s in his Alchemy form who looked to take down the SCPD officers who thwarted him in the alternate dimension. This would mean not only Barry in action but also Kid Flash, with the pair tasked with taking down an enemy who could literally dissolve anything he touched.
With Iris caught in the crossfire and her life in the balance, it would take some teaching from Barry, a whole lot of learning from Wally and the frosty side of Caitlyn to complete this mission.
The Flash continues to set up the path to the promise of an epic showdown as the weeks pass and, true to form, it never fails to deliver in its concoction of drama, humour and action. Despite the concerning circumstances in which the team find themselves, the future creeping up on them, there’s always time for some light-hearted laughs. Whether during a scene or training between Barry and Wally where competitiveness creeps in or Cisco with his pop culture references, the show nails the tonal shift with the utmost ease and it’s refreshing to see it continuing even in the most turbulent of times.
Aside from the lightness, the show got rather deep in its quest to show the strains on Team Flash this week too. Barry is clearly conscious of the fact that he needs Wally to learn quicker than he ever did, Caitlin and Julian’s relationship seemed rocky before an inspired speech turned things around and Joe finally learned of his daughter’ future fate. So much is evolving and yet it is all wonderfully balanced and easily digested.
From the events that transpired we have a clear idea of just how each character is being furthered and their own personal path. Cisco and Wally are embracing their powers more – and to an extent Barry also – Caitlin is still looking to control hers and Joe is almost the powerless one of the group. Interestingly, it now seems that HR is slowly reaching the point of being a good mentor – how far he has come!
Another week and another solid episode of The Flash concluding with some touching West-Allen love and a tease for Jesse’s return along with a visit to Gorilla City and Grodd!
The Flash airs on The CW on Tuesdays.
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