The legendary actor Denzel Washington is back as Robert McCall in the final chapter of American vigilante action film...
Berg follows the stories of the stones, rocks and peaks of a vast mountain landscape. Berg follows the stories...
On February 1 this year, Marvel Studios’ Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, makes its worldwide streaming debut on Disney+ as...
On February 1 this year, Marvel Studios’ Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, makes its worldwide streaming debut on Disney+ as the latest entry in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. DISNEY+ STREAMING Based on the Marvel Comics, the movie explores the world of Wakanda and follows up on the first movie after... Read more
Watch the brand-new trailer for Marvel Studios’ Special Presentation: The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special. It will stream on November 25 exclusively on Disney+. In the The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special, the Guardians are on a mission to make Christmas unforgettable for Quill. They decide... Read more
Chasing Tokyo reveals British Olympic sailors’ rollercoaster journey
DocumentaryOTTReviews 18th October 2022 0
The rollercoaster journey of Britain’s Olympic sailors to the Tokyo 2020 Olympics has been laid bare in new behind-the-scenes film Chasing Tokyo, streaming now on Discovery+. Making Of Chasing Tokyo: Road To Olympics The 90-minute feature documentary from the Olympic Channel lifts the lid on the highs and lows Team GB... Read more
Episode 6 begins on a peaceful and serene note as Yorick (Ben Schnetzer), Dr Mann (Diana Bang) and Agent 355 (Ashley Romans) come upon a candlelit vigil whilst a small choir sings an acapella version of Radiohead’s “Karma Police”. With one participant explaining to Yorick, they attend this ceremony... Read more