It’s that time of the year where we debate whether Die Hard truly is a Christmas film, scoff our...
Ever wish you could be a fly on the wall? Or wish you could shrink down just that little bit more to get that child’s fare? Or even just slice an inch off to stop the constant hitting of the head on every doorframe and protruding beam? But how... Read more
Back in 2008, the silver screen was graced with a terrifying new flick in which the villains – regular every-day people – turned up at an innocent couple’s home and terrorised the inhabitants, just for the fun of it. Ever since, The Strangers has stayed in film fans’ memories... Read more
It’s that time of the year where we debate whether Die Hard truly is a Christmas film, scoff our faces full with pigs in blankets and mince pies, and crack out those board games to prove who really is the superior member of the family. Thankfully, it also means... Read more
Ahead of the launch of Star Wars: The Last Jedi, new research has revealed that the typical Star Wars fan has seen as many as 3,828 minutes of the film series and agree Han Solo is the winning favourite character. Vue polled 2,000 Star Wars fanatics to reveal the... Read more