Casting for Aladdin, the live-action adaptation of the studio’s animated classic, is complete and production is currently underway at Longcross Studios outside London. The Aladdin cast includes: Two-time Oscar® nominee Will Smith (“Ali,” “Men in Black”) as the Genie who has the power to grant three wishes to whoever... Read more
A new clip from Guy Ritchie’s King Arthur: Legend of the Sword, featuring a cameo from football superstar David Beckham, has landed. In the clip, Beckham’s character taunts Arthur (played by Charlie Hunnam) as he attempts to lift the legendary sword from the stone. Beckham also had a cameo... Read more
Could Will Smith be landing the Aladdin role made famous by the late Robin Williams?
Read moreCharlie Hunnam stars in the thrilling final trailer for Guy Ritchie’s King Arthur: Legend of the Sword!
Read more As we slowly approach the release date for Guy Ritchie’s King Arthur: Legend Of The Sword, it’s now time for Jude Law’s villainous Vortigern to take centre stage in the latest promotional poster to be released by Warner Bros. Looking suitably ready for battle in his chainmail and with... Read more