From DreamWorks Animation comes the highly anticipated culmination of one of the most popular animated franchises in film history, How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World. What began as an unlikely friendship between an adolescent Viking and a fearsome Night Fury dragon has become an epic trilogy spanning their... Read more
2011’s Goon was one the year’s most surprising comedies. Vulgar, brutal, hilarious but at the same time remarkably sweet. Easily one of the more decent gross-out comedy films to have emerged amidst the standard ‘Sandleresque’ fare. 6 years later and the film deservedly gets a sequel – Goon: Last... Read more
If you haven’t seen 2011’s massively underrated Goon, then you’re going to want to rectify that pretty soon as next year sees a sequel to the Jay Baruchel comedy hitting cinemas, and we’ve got our first look at the return to the ice for Doug ‘The Thug’ Glatt (Seann... Read more