To celebrate the UK release of Power Rangers, some of the Filmoria gang reflect on their favourite childhood television...
Action-packed, filled with humour and providing some great throwbacks to the original television series, Saban’s Power Rangers is set for its home entertainment release, with the film to be released by Lionsgate on Digital Download on 24th July. This will followed by a Steelbook, 4K Ultra HD, Blu-ray and... Read more
To celebrate the UK release of Power Rangers, some of the Filmoria gang reflect on their favourite childhood television shows!
Read moreGet ready to morph into action with these awesome new Power Rangers posters!
Read more Many of us will remember a time when we were kids and found ourselves absolutely enthralled with Saban’s Power Rangers, bringing to life Jason, Kimberly, Billy, Zack and Trini as the heroes we all rooted for, and now it’s like our youth has well and truly returned as the... Read more