Arrow, Flash and Supergirl – Week 10 Roundup
ReviewsTV 30th January 2018 Jon Dingle 0

Supergirl S03E11 – Fort Rozz
Supergirl has never been shy to bring females to the limelight, heck its a female driven show. Fort Rozz has done nothing out of the ordinary in Supergirl by adding a literary device that determines men to be utterly useless. Whilst Reign has been on her justice streak, Kara gets intel on a woman who knows how to defeat Reign. The caviat, she’s on Fort Rozz, a floating Kryptonian Alcatraz, also next to a blue star that kills anyone with the y-chromosome. Without much back up, Kara and Imra, also now known as Saturn Girl, recruit some long lost friends, Livewire and Psi.
Although Fort Rozz, was an entertaining episode, it ultimately falls flat due to the CW formula. In what could have been a suspenseful episode containing an emotional farewell, just felt like a predictable outcome with no sense of satisfaction. Sent to an abandoned flying object in space with no power is the perfect premise for a horror filled episode to shake things up a bit. Yet, the chase from Reign and the intel gathering was ever so slightly underwhelming. The information Kara got would soon be revealed later, as the first of one of many other world killer awakens; there has been no emotional attachment to Livewire so her death felt superficial; and we already know how powerful Reign is. The real story comes with Sam getting emotional, knowing that something is wrong with her and that she doesn’t know where she is disappearing to.
The Flash S04E11 – The Elongated Knight Rises
Without Barry available, Central City is superheroless. There’s only one superhero for the job, Kid Flash Vibe Killer Frost Stretchy Man. Whilst plot holes still plague The Flash, The Elongated Knight Rises proves that Hartley Sawyer has been the perfect addition as Ralph Dibny, adding much needed creativity and humour to the show. It’s too early to say how long Ralph Dibny will stay in Team Flash, as we’ve seen many sidekicks come and go in Arrow, but he’s a clear contender to be one of the better sidekicks in the Arrowverse.
In an episode that puts every single Fantastic Four film to shame, Ralph Dibny finally gets to shine. As the trickster wreaks havoc with his delusional mother, Ralph battles with his inner struggle to what it means to be courageous. Meanwhile, Barry gets in with the prison crowd by befriending big Dave, a man who once got help from his father. The parallels run deep, and as Barry explores the inner workings of his father’s prison cell, he will surely find out more about his father and himself. Only when Ralph tries to break Barry out of prison do they both realise what it means to be a hero. With a new suit and newly found courage, Ralph saves Cisco and Caitlin from an acid shower, only to finally get his superhero moniker, the Elongated Man.
Arrow S06E11 – We Fall
We have now entered post Team Arrow break up and things aren’t so bad. As Cayden James continues his terrorism, killing Frank Pike, controlling all internet enabled devices, etc., original Team Arrow and newly unnamed justice team must help each other, yet function separately. As Dinah, Rene and Curtis, (DRC) get cosy in their new crib, Curtis suggests a team name, the Outsiders; a name traditionally given to a team created by Batman, but later turned into a secret society incorporting Green Arrow. Whether this was just a name drop for an easter egg, foreshadowing or their actual new team name, besides Oliver, none of these characters have appeared in the comic book team.
Nevertheless, DRC get their baddie in when Vigilante connects to them through one of Curtis’ T-spheres. With an explanation that Vincent is just undercover, DRC are able to save the day when Oliver couldn’t. And although they may or may not have an inside man, the ultimate battle is between Cayden and Oliver. Barging into his mayoral office, Cayden explains it was exactly a year ago that his son died, through a misintented target from the Green Arrow. However, Oliver was away recruiting Dinah, so the mystery continues. In his own feat of superheroism, Oliver’s son saves his class, only to get trapped and see his father in the hood. They eventually come to an understanding, and Oliver will continue to be a superhero with his son’s approval. Even though he saved the day, Oliver runs out of options and gives into Cayden’s demands, by transferring a large amount of money daily to his account.
Best moments of the week – Return of Beebo
Worst moments of the week – Why must you kill Beebo!
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