Brigsby Bear Home Entertainment Release Details
MoviesNews 23rd March 2018 Jon Dingle 0

Dave McCary (writer and director at “Saturday Night Live”) makes his directorial debut with Brigsby Bear, “a truly original and remarkably touching comedy” (Ben Barna, NYLON). Co-written by Kyle Mooney (“Saturday Night Live”, Zoolander 2) and Kevin Costello, Mooney stars as James, a young man whose world has just been turned upside down and as he transitions into his new life he relies on a children’s show he grew up with to get him through. Brigsby Bear also stars Emmy®and Golden Globe® winner Claire Danes (Best Performance by an Actress in a Television Series, “Homeland”), Mark Hamill (Star Wars), Academy Award® nominee and Emmy®Award-winning Greg Kinnear (Outstanding Guest Actor in a Comedy Series, “Modern Family”), Emmy® nominated Matt Walsh (“Veep”) and Michaela Watkins (“Casual”, “Transparent”). Brigsby Bear is available to Download & Keep on April 2 and debuts on DVD on April 16.
Bonus materials on the DVD and digital release* of Brigsby Bear include: “Twin Speak: Kyle & Dave,” a featurette in which Kyle Mooney and Dave McCary reflect on their creative partnership that spans from grade school to “Saturday Night Live”; “An Evening with Brigsby Bear,” featuring a Q&A featuring Kyle Mooney, Dave McCary, Mark Hamill and more; “The Wisdom of Brigsby Bear,” a collection of life lessons from Brigsby himself; plus, a filmmaker commentary and hilarious gag reel. On the exclusive digital release, fans can get more with deleted and extended scenes as well as a coveted lost episode of the Brigsby Bear series entitled “The Festival of Kindness”.
James has grown up with the kids’ show Brigsby Bear and the programme has grown with him as well. One dramatic night, James’ insular world is upended. Upon learning the series has been cancelled, he adopts the old adage that the show must go on. By becoming Brigsby Bear’s new creator, James finally builds meaningful connections his life has lacked.
DVD & Digital* Special Features Include:
- Commentary with Kyle Mooney & Dave McCary
- Twin Speak: Kyle & Dave
- Gag Reel
- An Evening with Brigsby Bear
- The Wisdom of Brigsby Bear
Digital Exclusives*:
- Deleted & Extended Scenes
- Brigsby Bear: The Lost Episode! Volume 23 Episode 14: The Festival of Kindness
BRIGSBY BEAR has an approximate running time of 1 hour 33 minutes
and is rated 15.
and is rated 15.
Brigsby Bear2 Clare Danes1 Dave McCary1 Greg Kinnear4 Home782 Home Entertainment Release132 Kyle Mooney2 Mark Hamill16 Matt Walsh2
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