Heroes Collide In New Injustice 2 Trailer
GamingNews 23rd February 2017 Jon Dingle 0
It’s well and truly on. Whether you’re on the side of good or dabbling in evil tyranny, Warner Bros’ own upcoming game Injustice 2 breaks barriers and promises that there will be no sides in this war of attrition. Pitting Batman and Superman against one another, and even the Man of Steel warning cousin Supergirl that they could go toe-to-toe, here is a game that isn’t worried about taking sides and instead more concerned with delivering the pain.
That’s certainly the message that the latest trailer for Injustice delivers, with us future players of the game learning about just how Superman has risen up against those we would normally associate as his allies with his own ‘Regime’.
Serving up a whole host of superb gameplay from the upcoming release, this is the trailer to confirm that Warner Bros very much have one of the games to beat for 2017.
Grab the Kryptonite or join the Regime with the new video below.
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