How do I prevent my lenses from fogging up?
Technology 12th August 2020 Jon Dingle 0

Wearing a mask is a new trend and also the need of the hour it can be uncomfortable or frustrating because you are not used to it. Those who wear glasses, those who expect to be able to breathe correctly, or wear masks for prolonged periods face particular challenges.
But healthcare workers, who have long worn face masks as part of their daily work, have several helpful solutions that we would like to share.
How do I prevent my lenses from fogging up?
For people who wear glasses, wearing a mask can cause their lenses to fog, reducing their vision. As you exhale, your hot breath shoots out from the top of the mask. When it touches the coldest lens, it cools, condensing, or fogging.
Continuing to remove your glasses to clean and replace them is a risk of infection. Therefore, preventing or minimizing fogging is critical. Here are some tips:
- Soap and water: wash the glasses with soap and water (like a regular detergent), then dry them with a microfiber cloth. This type of fabric is generally supplied free with every pair of prescription glasses. You can also buy inexpensive microfiber cloths from most optometrists. The fabrics can leave lint, which attracts moisture to the lenses. Soap reduces surface tension, preventing fog from sticking to lenses. If you want to buy a pair of glasses online. Visit SmartBuyGlasses Virtual Try-On for a virtual try and buy cheap glasses online.
- Shaving cream: You can apply the thin layer of shaving cream to the glasses and then wipe it off gently. It is a smart hack that will protect the lenses from fogging.
- Defog spray: You can use a commercial defog spray that dries clearly. But make sure it’s compatible with your lens type or existing lens coatings. You can buy a defrosting spray online or from your optometrist.
- Fill the gap in the surgical masks: mould the nose’s bridge on top of the surgical mask over your face to reduce the gap that allows hot, humid air to pass into the glasses.
- Neckties and pipe cleaners: If you are making your mask out of cloth, add a tie (e.g., from a loaf of bread) or a pipe cleaner to your mask’s top seam and make it homemade. On your nose for the same effect. Must visit SmartBuyGlasses UK for cheap and stylish glasses
- Tape: On the skin at the mask’s top edge to fill the gap, there is tape usage. You can buy a roller online or at any of the pharmacies.
- Wet Cloth: Lightly moisten a cloth, fold it and place it under the top edge of the mask will also work.
- Nylon Stockings – It is easy to adjust the nose’s cheeks and bridge by wearing a layer of some nylon stockings over a face mask.
There is no magic trick, but improving the fit around the nose and cheeks’ curve is the best approach.
Worth doing well
It may take a few tries to get used to wearing a mask. It is okay if there is no fog over your prescription glasses, the comfort to your ears, and any anxiety about wearing masks should lessen.
Wearing a mask in public is another thing we can do to keep ourselves and the community safe and social distancing and hand hygiene.
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