Lars Von Trier Offers A Beguiling Tease For His Next Film… Lars Von Trier Offers A Beguiling Tease For His Next Film…
The Danish Provocateur is back. What's Lars von Trier up to this time... Lars Von Trier Offers A Beguiling Tease For His Next Film…

Ask any cinephile about Lars von Trier, and you’ll be greeted with one of two responses. Either unrelenting admiration for the Danish scamp, or a long exhaled breath, followed by much eye-rolling. The Melancholia, Anti-Christ, and Nymphomanic filmmaker is one of the industry’s most divisive figures; a true provocateur, whose work is always worthy of discussion and examination.

Arriving online today is a rather peculiar image of von Trier, which is teasing his upcoming film The House That Jack Built. Starring Riley KeoughMatt Dillon, and Bruno Ganz, the film is due out in 2018, and focuses on a intelligent and prolific serial killer who operates in 1970s-1980s Washington. The still however doesn’t show anything from the film, rather its director paying homage to Carl Theodor Dreyer’s 1932 horror Vampyr

Source: Little White Lies

This is such a Lars thing to do, and boy has it worked. You have our attention, and now we look forward to discovering more.

Source: Little White Lies 

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Chris Haydon

Sub-Editor of Filmoria. Dwayne Johnson's No.1 fan. Arthouse celebrator. Romancer of all things Michael Haneke & Woody Allen. Irrevocably in love with Felicity Jones. She'll be my wife one day; you'll see...