Legends of Tomorrow and Arrow – Week 21 Roundup
NewsTV 10th April 2018 Jon Dingle 0
Legends of Tomorrow S03E17 – Guest Starring John Noble
In the penultimate episode of Season 3 of Legends of Tomorrow, Barack Obama gives advice, Damien Darhk joins the legends, Mallus comes alive, but most importantly, beloved Lord of the Rings actor John Noble appears.
Unless Mallus is just a plot device for something much grander, the demon might be a two season villain. The team find themselves much more in a pinch, even with all the totems in their possession. The legends find themselves having to tackle 2 anachronisms at the start of the episode, and are forced to split the team apart. However, like any good story, the seemingly unrelated plots intertwine delicately into the final showdown between Mallus and the legends in Zambesi.
The first anachronism, saving a young college Barack Obama from an angry gorilla Grodd. The job was easy enough for the crew, especially when you have Barry giving you words of wisdom. The second anachronism, chasing Amaya to Zambesi. In a moment of brilliance, after recruiting Damien Darhk to the good cause, they also trick Lord of the Rings actor John Noble (also the voice of Mallus) to imitate Mallus’ voice. With a Mallus recording, Damien Darhk, all the totems, almost everything was going to go right for them.
However, Damien double crosses them, surprise surprise, trying to make sure history happens, he unleashes Grodd into Zambesi to wreak havoc. Stunting the team, Norah transforms into the almighty demon. With Damien handling the death totem, Ray with water and Nate with earth, there are three unknown factors to the cause. Unless cavalry arrives soon, looks like time might be in the fate of an ugly scary demon.
Arrow S06E17 – Brothers in Arms
There’s almost no greater duo than Oliver and Diggle, however, season 6 episode 17 of Arrow might have changed everything in the Arrowverse. Brothers in Arms centres on the title’s theme vigorously. With so much pent up emotion this season, Diggle finally explodes at Oliver, and tensions could not be any greater amongst the heroes in Star City.
The Spartan was never really a prominent moniker, and neither was Diggle’s suit. After six seasons, it’s understandable why Diggle might have so much rage, especially after getting a taste of what it was like to be under the hood this season. Even with Oliver’s promise of unloading the responsibilities to Diggle, he never really had that chance, as Oliver realizes that he most probably will never give up the Green Arrow suit anytime soon. Diggle confronts him about all of this, but it isn’t after a talk from Lyla that Diggle realizes it isn’t the suit, it’s the man under the suit. Fighting with words, and then with fists, it seems that television’s best bromance has come to an end. Diggle breaks up with Oliver, in a hint that he may join his wife in ARGUS.
Meanwhile, Oliver fires two very important officials in the police because of their involvement with Diaz. The right action to take, but possibly at a very big cause, as they both go on public to once again call Oliver out as the Green Arrow, because pretty much everyone knows his secret identity now. However, this was only able to happen with Laurel and her newfound hobby of reading law books. A crucial piece of information to her development was seen as well. Laurel is seemingly a drug addict, and Diaz knows exactly how to pull her strings.
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