The legendary actor Denzel Washington is back as Robert McCall in the final chapter of American vigilante action film...
Berg follows the stories of the stones, rocks and peaks of a vast mountain landscape. Berg follows the stories...
On February 1 this year, Marvel Studios’ Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, makes its worldwide streaming debut on Disney+ as...
Seth Rogen is hardly known for being the most subtle of comedians, having previously stuck to his famed formula of stoner laughs and Jewish jokes for previous hits This Is The End and Pineapple Express, so it comes as no surprise that his foray into animation serves up plenty... Read more
In recent memory, it would be difficult to say the least to find a film that has been more polarising among audiences that David Ayer’s Suicide Squad. It’s a film that has garnered mass negativity from critics worldwide and is dividing audiences to the point of many questioning where... Read more
Four years ago, the popular Bourne franchise took somewhat of a misstep when it decided to divert from its lead character and introduce Jeremy Renner as its focal point. Thankfully, after The Bourne Legacy didn’t quite match up to the dizzying heights that the partnership of director Paul Greengrass... Read more
We are living in an oft-criticised age of sequels and reboots. This summer alone has seen a fantastic Ghostbusters reboot, the next stage in the Star Trek franchise, and even a sequel to Independence Day. Yet Finding Dory refuses to succumb to the perils of the usual staid sequel,... Read more
Cinematic universes are the in-thing in Hollywood at the moment, with franchises like the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the DC Extended Universe and Fox’s X-Men Movie Universe dominating the box office. There are more in the pipeline, with the likes of a Valiant Comics Cinematic Universe, a Universal Monsters Cinematic Universe,... Read more
Disability in film is often portrayed in a mist of gloom. The Intouchables went some way to undo the trope of the tragically disabled in 2011, but box office hit You Before Me (sold as a rom-com right up until that finale visit to Dignitas) reverted straight back to... Read more
Guardians of the Galaxy was one of the most successful movies of 2014. The tenth movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe earned a whopping $773.3 million at the global box office and garnered almost universally positive reviews from fans and critics alike. The huge popularity of what was essentially... Read more
Captain America: Civil War is the thirteenth film in Marvel’s cinematic universe. Pitting one team of Avengers against another with a whole host of newcomers, the team had a lot of plates to keep spinning in order to get this film off the ground – resulting in a lot of... Read more