Maintaining a character (and interest in him) over time is a great challenge that James Bond producers have known...
Legendary performers including original Bond recording artists Dame Shirley Bassey, Lulu and Garbage celebrated 007’s 60th anniversary with a concert at...
Maintaining a character (and interest in him) over time is a great challenge that James Bond producers have known how to face. The reasons why James Bond is so famous and popular can be thousands. However, to keep it short, in this article you will find the 4 main... Read more
Legendary performers including original Bond recording artists Dame Shirley Bassey, Lulu and Garbage celebrated 007’s 60th anniversary with a concert at the Royal Albert Hall. Concert showcased iconic performances of tracks such as Diamonds Are Forever, Goldfinger and Skyfall and featured guest vocalists Paloma Faith, Ella Eyre, Celeste, Jamie Cullum and... Read more
It’s not a stretch to pair casinos and movie-making. The allure of the bright lights, potential fortune and luck of the draw intertwine in both cases. Maybe that’s why some of the most memorable of all Hollywood films involve the casino scene. If you call yourself a movie buff... Read more