While delivering in the visceral nature of the character, Logan slightly misses a beat in Jackman’s final outing. Marking...
While delivering in the visceral nature of the character, Logan slightly misses a beat in Jackman’s final outing. Marking his ninth and final outing as Logan AKA Wolverine, Hugh Jackman has solidified himself in Marvel comic book lore as the man to portray one of the finest characters emanating... Read more
We cannot tell you how excited we are for the upcoming release of Logan, set to be the final bow for Hugh Jackman as the rampaging, adamantium-heavy hero who quickly became our favourite member of the X-Men all those years ago. But before he’s ready to say goodbye, we... Read more
Behold this gloriously old-school IMAX poster for Logan starring Hugh Jackman!
Read moreHugh Jackman’s Logan gets a seriously menacing new one-sheet today. Check it out here!
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