In a shocking twist-of-fate, the Jury – under the presidency of director Pedro Almodóvar – have named Ruben Östlund’s...
Elisabeth Moss and Dominic West star in The Square; the razor-sharp new comedy from Ruben Östlund. Our Cannes review...
In a shocking twist-of-fate, the Jury – under the presidency of director Pedro Almodóvar – have named Ruben Östlund’s scathing satire, The Square, as the 2017 Palme d’Or recipient. Many had placed bets on 120 Beats Per Minute, and festival favourite, Loveless, for top-prize glory, but the brilliantly acidic comedy starring... Read more
Swedish maestro Ruben Östlund returns to the Croisette with his disarmingly hilarious deconstruction of modern art culture, The Square. Bringing a flavourful cast along for his chaotically funny journey, including Elisabeth Moss, Dominic West, and Claes Bang, the Palme d’Or nominee is among the festival’s finest offerings. Click here... Read more
Elisabeth Moss and Dominic West star in The Square; the razor-sharp new comedy from Ruben Östlund. Our Cannes review is in.
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