On February 1 this year, Marvel Studios’ Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, makes its worldwide streaming debut on Disney+ as...
This week sees the return of everyone’s favourite A-Holes as Rocket, Gamora, Star Lord, Drax and Baby Groot all...
Captain America: Civil War is the thirteenth film in Marvel’s cinematic universe. Pitting one team of Avengers against another with...
On February 1 this year, Marvel Studios’ Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, makes its worldwide streaming debut on Disney+ as the latest entry in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. DISNEY+ STREAMING Based on the Marvel Comics, the movie explores the world of Wakanda and follows up on the first movie after... Read more
The latest featurette for Marvel Studios’ Avengers: Infinity War is here and it focuses on the task taken on by the crew to film the entire movie with IMAX cameras. You can watch it in full below. In the second IMAX Behind The Frame featurette for Avengers: Infinity War,... Read more
Marvel Studios’ Thor: Ragnarok, the God of Thunder’s third installment in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, electrified both audiences and critics alike reaching over $800M at the global box office. Now the colorful cosmic adventure, loaded with action, humor, drama and spectacle, bursts into homes on Digital Download on Feb.... Read more
One of the most beloved and iconic superheroes of all time is back with a fresh, new take on the character for Spider-Man™: Homecoming, debuting on Digital Download November 3 and on 4K Ultra HD, Blu-ray™ and DVD November 20 from Sony Pictures Home Entertainment. Tom Holland (Captain America:... Read more
This week sees the return of everyone’s favourite A-Holes as Rocket, Gamora, Star Lord, Drax and Baby Groot all return in James Gunn’s Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol.2, the first of Marvel’s blockbuster movies for 2017. With Marvel still going strong in the cinematic stakes, the team here at... Read more
You’ll be “Hooked on a Feeling” with these new Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 stills!
Read more Since the initial rumblings of his involvement in Spider-Man: Homecoming began earlier this year, it’s been long rumoured that Michael Keaton had been approached to play classic Spidey villain Adrian Toomes, aka The Vulture in the Jon Watts-directed film for Marvel Studios. But after months of tight lips from the... Read more
Captain America: Civil War is the thirteenth film in Marvel’s cinematic universe. Pitting one team of Avengers against another with a whole host of newcomers, the team had a lot of plates to keep spinning in order to get this film off the ground – resulting in a lot of... Read more