The British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA) has today confirmed a number of nominees, presenters and other...
Despite an apparent mis-step in the relationship between David Ayer and Warner Bros seeing Suicide Squad clearly chopped and...
Fresh from his turn as Lumiere in this year’s spectacularly successful Beauty and the Beast live-action remake, Ewan McGregor is set to return to the “House of Mouse” to play Christopher Robin in a new film based on the books of A.A.Milne and the Winnie The Pooh series. The... Read more
Suicide Squad alum Margot Robbie looks to be expanding her dramatic reaches this year. Her upcoming appearances in Goodbye, Christopher Robin and the much anticipated I, Tonya – where Robbie will portray figure skating legend Tonya Harding – are just a few of the new projects the actress is attached... Read more
If there was one woman currently enjoying plenty of limelight at the moment who you would choose to help to promote your new age of cars it would be Suicide Squad star Margot Robbie. Currently enjoying life as one of the most sought after actresses around, Robbie has starred... Read more
The Oscar nominated Mel Gibson is in early talks for the return of some of DC Comics’ baddest…
Read more Lists are all too common this time of year, and while our top ten movies of the year and favourite scenes played out in 2016 are certainly of great interest, it is the Forbes top grossing actors list that always brings great interest. This year is no different and... Read more
Despite an apparent mis-step in the relationship between David Ayer and Warner Bros seeing Suicide Squad clearly chopped and changed to create critical havoc earlier this year, this week saw the confirmation that the director is to return to DC realms and bring to life Gotham City Sirens, fronted... Read more
Honest Trailers do their thing brilliantly with this hilariously accurate offering for DC Comics’ Suicide Squad.
Read more In recent memory, it would be difficult to say the least to find a film that has been more polarising among audiences that David Ayer’s Suicide Squad. It’s a film that has garnered mass negativity from critics worldwide and is dividing audiences to the point of many questioning where... Read more
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