Today it has been confirmed by Bandai Namco that Tekken 7 will be released in Europe on 2nd June so make sure you mark that specific date in your calendars now! As part of the announcement, a brand new story trailer has been released for the game, which you can... Read more
2016 was an absolutely fantastic year for gaming. We saw the likes of Doom, Battlefront, Battlefield, Final Fantasy and Overwatch hit the shelves, boasting one of the best game lineups of recent years. This year, we want to see game developers take their titles to the next level. So... Read more
The Tekken series is arguably the greatest fighting simulation series that has ever graced consoles. Ever since its inception on the Playstation way back in 1995, Tekken has flourished into a gaming behemoth that has seen its roster of fighters drastically grow over time and with it the scope... Read more