This summer, on the 18th August, Ryan Reynolds and Samuel L. Jackson will finally be hitting the big screen...
This summer, on the 18th August, Ryan Reynolds and Samuel L. Jackson will finally be hitting the big screen together in action-comedy The Hitman’s Bodyguard. The film follows Ryan Reynolds as the best protection agent around, and Samuel L. Jackson as a notorious hitman. Reynolds and Jackson may start... Read more
Starring Ryan Reynolds and Samuel L. Jackson, The Hitman’s Bodyguard arrives in cinemas on August 17th, and in this new clip we see them meeting for the first time. It appears this “safe house” is anything but as the opposites attack rather than attract when they’re first introduced! However, they’ll soon... Read more
The good people at Lionsgate UK have granted a dose of the funnies to boost your Monday blues, but unleashing the latest trailer for the forthcoming buddy comedy, The Hitman’s Bodyguard. Starring Ryan Reynolds and Samuel L. Jackson, alongside a sharp supporting cast including the likes of Gary Oldman,... Read more