In a shocking twist-of-fate, the Jury – under the presidency of director Pedro Almodóvar – have named Ruben Östlund’s...
In a shocking twist-of-fate, the Jury – under the presidency of director Pedro Almodóvar – have named Ruben Östlund’s scathing satire, The Square, as the 2017 Palme d’Or recipient. Many had placed bets on 120 Beats Per Minute, and festival favourite, Loveless, for top-prize glory, but the brilliantly acidic comedy starring... Read more
Of all the film we have witnessed in our time over at the prestigious Cannes Film Festival this year, one that has resulted in a beaming four-star review from us along with plenty of buzz around the festival is The Rider. Directed by Chloe Zhao, The Rider is the... Read more
Part of why the Cannes Film Festival is so prestigious is that the Directors Fortnight selection of films can feature some truly remarkable cinema forged by exceptional talent who may not otherwise be discovered. Under that banner this year comes the rather remarkable The Rider from director Chloe Zhao,... Read more