For their eighth fully animated feature, Illumination and Universal Pictures present The Grinch, based on Dr. Seuss’ beloved holiday classic. The...
With just ten days until the film’s cinema release, Universal Pictures is pleased to make available ‘Warriors’, a new featurette from the highly-anticipated Halloween Kills, which releases nationwide on October 15. ‘WARRIORS’ FEATURETTE: In 2018, David Gordon Green’s Halloween, starring icon Jamie Lee Curtis, killed at the box office, earning more than $250 million worldwide, becoming... Read more
IN CINEMAS 20th MARCH 2020 Anna Kendrick and Justin Timberlake return in an all-star sequel to DreamWorks Animation’s 2016 musical hit: Trolls World Tour. In an adventure that will take them well beyond what they’ve known before, Poppy (Kendrick) and Branch (Timberlake) discover that they are but one of six different Troll tribes scattered... Read more
Ma will be released in UK cinemas on the 31st May 2019.
CompetitionsFeaturesMovies 20th March 2019 0
Universal Pictures are delighted to debut the International trailer for Ma Oscar® winner Octavia Spencer stars as Sue Ann, a loner who keeps to herself in her quiet Ohio town. One day, she is asked by Maggie, a new teenager in town (Diana Silvers, Glass), to buy some booze... Read more
Winner of the Oscar qualifying prize at LA Shorts International Film Fest Abel Goldfarb’s emotional animated short film shares a true story about a disabled boy called Ian. This award winning film took home the top prize at LA Shorts International Film Festival and was originally launched by the President... Read more
For their eighth fully animated feature, Illumination and Universal Pictures present The Grinch, based on Dr. Seuss’ beloved holiday classic. The Grinch tells the story of a cynical grump who goes on a mission to steal Christmas, only to have his heart changed by a young girl’s generous holiday spirit. Funny, heart... Read more
Fresh from their Oscar success with Jordan Peele’s Get Out, Blumhouse Productions are back with their new film Truth Or Dare, which has just released its first trailer. You can watch it below. Lucy Hale (Pretty Little Liars) and Tyler Posey (Teen Wolf) lead the cast of Truth or Dare,... Read more
As Hitler’s army nears the United Kingdom, it is up to Winston Churchill to decide between negotiating peace or fighting against impossible odds in Darkest Hour, coming to Digital on 21st May 2018 and Blu-Ray ™, 4K Ultra HD™ and DVD on June 4, 2018, from Universal Pictures Home... Read more
On Friday 17th November 2017, the Sundance Film Festival favourite and outrageous social media satire, Ingrid Goes West hits cinemas across the UK. Starring Aubrey Plaza (Parks and Recreation), Elizabeth Olsen (Avengers: Age Of Ultron), O’Shea Jackson Jr. (Straight Outta Compton), Wyatt Russell (22 Jump Street) and Billy Magnussen... Read more
The Barden Bellas are officially back and more in-song than ever, as the first trailer for the hugely anticipated Pitch Perfect 3 arrives! Now graduated from college and out in the real world where it takes more than a cappella to get by, the Bellas return in Pitch Perfect 3,... Read more
If there’s one thing you can guarantee from a Fast And Furious films as much as a massive array of stunning cars it’s the thrills and spills of insane stunts. From driving cars from one high-rise building to another and dragging metal containers through streets, we’ve seen plenty in... Read more
Spider, rats and a real sense of horror populate the latest enthralling trailer for The Mummy, starring Tom Cruise, with the upcoming movie bolstering its potential for blockbuster success in a flurry of brilliant new footage that appears massively promising. After the first trailer was admittedly a tad lacklustre... Read more
Iron Man himself Robert Downey Jr. is gearing up to play Doctor Dolittle in a new adaptation of the iconic family classic.
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