Till We Meet Again (2016) Review
MoviesReviews 25th November 2016 Jon Dingle 0

The shaky-cam effect of its opening sequence, complimented by the nervous body language of Johan Matton’s Erik captured through extreme close-ups as he stands on a subway platform. Through life, many of us often grow disillusioned by the familiarity of our surroundings and mundane nature of our careers, lamenting what has become of us. Awaiting a one-way ticket to a backdrop that for all our anxieties about what may lie ahead, may just rejuvenate our lust for life in broadening our scope and creativity, whilst repairing relationships that have been significantly strained by such a mindset.
Cross cutting seamlessly between the concrete jungle of New York and the vibrant, exotic sights of Thailand, director Bank Tangjaitrong’s Till We Meet Again introduces us to the cautious couple of Erik (Matton) and Joanna (Linnea Larsdotter). He a social introvert who seeks solace in his writing, whose scuba diving hobby is a fitting metaphor, as he struggles to keep his head above water without her company. She an ambitious designer whose bold approach to her work, sees her stifled and lamenting the conservative opinions of her colleagues. With the dreaded word ‘commitment’ brandished around consistently and accentuating the discontent, both agree to this life-affirming Asian getaway as we become engrossed in their character trajectories.
Wrestling with the concept that we become who everybody else wants us to be, if we are in one place for too long, director Tangjaitrong beautifully captures the exhilaration and relief of those shackles being removed, juxtaposed with the tightly framed intimacy and intensity of the tetchy demeanour of these protagonists as they navigate through their struggles. In lighter moments, the central understated romance is thrillingly spacious in aesthetic jarring in their tight-knit nature together, as more emotionally fractured scenes pierce sliding doors and hazy windows, solidifying the barrier that remains between Erik and Joanne.
As the handsome charismatics of Emrhys Cooper’s David and the adventurous traits of Astrea Campell-Cobb’s Miranda soon populate the frame, the intentions of both star and writer Johan Matton’s impressive script are driven home in illuminating and impactful fashion, as the respective paths poignantly tail off. Can we truly resolve all that plagues us in a new setting, or do they simply linger? In a desperate bid to discover yourself, does going back and reconnecting with people you lost contact with, prove truly worthwhile?
Through naturalistic and terrific performances that subtly display the complexities and hardships of one trying to find their place in the world, Till We Meet Again proves to be an intoxicating, exquisitely shot ensemble piece.
You can buy Till We Meet Again on iTunes now.
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