The legendary actor Denzel Washington is back as Robert McCall in the final chapter of American vigilante action film...
Berg follows the stories of the stones, rocks and peaks of a vast mountain landscape. Berg follows the stories...
On February 1 this year, Marvel Studios’ Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, makes its worldwide streaming debut on Disney+ as...
Since the initial rumblings of his involvement in Spider-Man: Homecoming began earlier this year, it’s been long rumoured that Michael Keaton had been approached to play classic Spidey villain Adrian Toomes, aka The Vulture in the Jon Watts-directed film for Marvel Studios. But after months of tight lips from the... Read more
Just a few weeks ago, Ben Affleck took to social media to confirm to the world that his standalone Batman movie, titled The Batman, will see the Dark Knight face off against a villain we’ve only seen in the DC television realms – Deathstroke. Following this, we got confirmation... Read more
Natalie Portman’s central performance as First Lady Jackie Kennedy has been impressing critics world-over. Check out the UK trailer for Jackie right here.
Read moreScarlett Johansson takes centre-stage in this teaser ahead of the first full trailer for Ghost in the Shell. Check it out now!
Read moreRachel Weisz is well and truly back, and this time around she’s up against Timothy Spall in drama, Denial.
Read moreMr. Robot’s very own Rami Malek is ready to don that yellow jacket and headline the Queen film.
Read moreA new TV spot for videogame adaptation Assassin’s Creed has arrived, but will it spell success for the movie or will it be another fail for the sub-genre?
Read more If you are one of the lucky ones who has already managed to witness the majesty of Damien Chazelle’s La La Land then you’ll know that this is a film that only comes around once in a blue moon. Fronted by undeniable duo Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling, this... Read more
Tom Hanks may have been setting the YouTube community alight with his simply hilarious character David S. Pumpkins following his Saturday Night Live stint over Halloween weekend, but he has a much more serious upcoming role heading to our shores. Sully, set for release in the UK on 2nd... Read more
The boys are back and you can guarantee that there’ll be plenty more psychedelic visions, drugs and violence as Renton, Sick Boy, Spud and Begbie return some 20 years later in Danny Boyle’s T2: Trainspotting 2. A film that is undoubtedly getting plenty of people excited, the sequel has its first... Read more
While it’s hard not to approach any future DC and Warner Bros picture with a level of doubt, one film that could well be the one to instil some level of hope in this comic book universe is Patty Jenkins’ Wonder Woman. Spearheaded by Gal Gadot and finally bringing... Read more
Check out the new trailer for Suicide Squad Extended Cut. From director David Ayer (“Fury,” “End of Watch”) comes “Suicide Squad,” starring Oscar nominee Will Smith (“Ali,” “The Pursuit of Happyness”), Oscar winner Jared Leto (“Dallas Buyers Club”), Margot Robbie (“The Wolf of Wall Street,” “Focus”), Joel Kinnaman (“Run... Read more