Two-time Emmy Award Winner Aaron Paul (Breaking Bad, The Path) and Annabel Wallis (The Mummy, Peaky Blinders) star in...
Universal’s Dark Universe gets off to a bumpy start with a Tom Cruise-led update of The Mummy… Dating all...
Universal’s Dark Universe gets off to a bumpy start with a Tom Cruise-led update of The Mummy… Dating all the way back to the original iteration of the classic movie monster, The Mummy has seen rebirths aplenty through the years with the likes of Boris Karloff, Christopher Lee and... Read more
Competition: Win A Blu-Ray Copy Of Come And Find Me Starring Aaron Paul
CompetitionsMovies 12th August 2017 0
Two-time Emmy Award Winner Aaron Paul (Breaking Bad, The Path) and Annabel Wallis (The Mummy, Peaky Blinders) star in Zach Whedon’s debut action-thriller Come And Find Me about a man desperately trying to find his missing girlfriend. Come And Find Me follows the twisting lives of David (Aaron Paul)... Read more
Two-time Emmy Award Winner Aaron Paul (Breaking Bad, The Path) and Annabelle Wallis (The Mummy, Peaky Blinders) star in Zach Whedon’s debut action-thriller Come And Find Me, about a man desperately trying to find his missing girlfriend. Come And Find Me follows the twisting lives of David (Aaron Paul)... Read more
Universal’s Dark Universe gets off to a bumpy start with a Tom Cruise-led update of The Mummy… Dating all the way back to the original iteration of the classic movie monster, The Mummy has seen rebirths aplenty through the years with the likes of Boris Karloff, Christopher Lee and... Read more
It looks like our favourite action superstar Tom Cruise is set for yet more running as he takes on somewhat of a very different project for the man we’ve known for his Mission: Impossible saga and such classics as Top Gun, Jerry Maguire and Rain Man. This time round,... Read more