Ten years after the events of the first film, the Kaiju return in Pacific Rim Uprising with a new deadly threat that reignites the conflict between these otherworldly monsters of mass destruction and Jaegers, the human-piloted super-machines that were built to vanquish them. Pacific Rim Uprising arrives on Digital... Read more
A good comedy is hard to come by these days, with there being a distinct lack of anything truly able to conjure up belly laugh after belly laugh often enough. Television shows often present the right formula, but when it comes to film – especially with TV actors jumping... Read more
It’s officially on. When the school bell rings at 3 o’clock and the kids are about to embark on their leisurely trip home, the school playground will be turned into a battleground between not two pupils but instead a pair of teachers. Those teachers in question are Charlie Day... Read more
If you’re a fan of It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia then chances are that Fist Fight, from director Richie Keen, is going to be right up your street. Starring Ice Cube and Charlie Day, the movie is set to take some of the aspects from the hit TV show... Read more
We all remember those times at school where someone used to shout ‘Fight!’ to a barrage of schoolkids engulfing the specific area in which a brawl was about to occur and the teachers swiftly breaking things up, but what if it was the teachers themselves who were the subject... Read more