Such was the success of The Lego Movie – both box office terms and reactions – that a sequel...
Following the positive news that Matt Reeves is now officially confirmed to direct The Batman, the DCEU has had another boost with the news that there will be a Nightwing movie coming our way in the future. This news is only bolstered by the fact that none other than... Read more
Such was the success of The Lego Movie – both box office terms and reactions – that a sequel of sorts was always on the cards, but rather than jump straight in with a follow-up the creative team decided to tackle one of the original’s true highlights – Batman,... Read more
To coincide with the release of The LEGO Batman Movie, Lego have launched a fun Super SigFig Creator on their official site for the new film. Where you can create your very own custom Lego SigFig superhero or villain to share online and play on The LEGO Batman Movie games.... Read more