A heroic, yet often messy effort to combine DC’s finest heroes. While Marvel’s well-oiled plans have unfolded to see...
STARRING ABBEY LEE CIARÁN HINDS CARLA GUGINO Elizabeth Harvest will be available on digital download from 1st April. Synopsis: Newlywed Elizabeth, played by Abbey Lee (Mad Max: Fury Road), joins her brilliant scientist husband Henry, played by Ciarán Hinds (The Woman in Black, Justice League, Frozen), at his magnificent estate, where... Read more
FIRST MAN to release in UK CINEMAS on 12TH OCTOBER 2018. On the heels of their six-time Academy Award®-winning smash, La La Land, Oscar®-winning director Damien Chazelle and star Ryan Gosling reteam for Universal Pictures’ First Man, the riveting story of NASA’s mission to land a man on the moon,... Read more
A heroic, yet often messy effort to combine DC’s finest heroes. While Marvel’s well-oiled plans have unfolded to see a methodical phased system of movies, many have fired plentiful criticism at the DC/Warner Bros collaboration in bringing to life the likes of Batman, Superman and others in the past.... Read more