This is the first installment in a new series dedicated strictly to the horror genre. My name is Rhiannon...
From November 3, Horror Channel celebrates vintage 1950s home-grown fantasy and horror with a HAMMER CLASSICS SEASON, The primetime Saturday night season, consisting of four network premieres, which star the iconic Peter Cushing, kicks off with Val Guest’s atmospheric masterpiece, THE ABOMINABLE SNOWMAN, The other three, all directed by... Read more
Horror Channel presents its Haunted Halloween season this October, taking possession of the nation’s TVs for thirteen nights with a supernaturally spooky selection of premieres and classic favourites, including the UK TV premiere of Jesse Thomas Cook’s THE HEXECUTIONERS, a nerve-shredding American Gothic tale of terror. There are also... Read more
STUDIOCANAL have today launched a brand new trailer for the newly restored classics THE FOG, THEY LIVE, ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK and PRINCE OF DARKNESS that will be screening around the country in October and November. SPECIAL HALLOWEEN SCREENINGS AND MORE! ON EST, DVD, BD & 4K UHD THIS AUTUMN... Read more
From horrific hauntings and supernatural sorcery to alien invasions and blood-sucking battles, Saturday nights on Horror Channel at 9pm in June will be devoted to John Carpenter, one of the true Masters of Horror. The celebratory season is highlighted by the network premieres of Carpenter’s classic car-rage chiller CHRISTINE,... Read more
Edinburgh International Film Festival (EIFF) has announced its 2018 Retrospective programme, Time of the Signs: Chasing the American Zeitgeist. Inspired by current affairs in Trump-era America, this year’s line-up will focus primarily on U.S. cinema from the 1980s through three strands which explore the evolution of American culture today: American Woman: Female Directors in American Cinema; American Exposé: The... Read more
For the first time since 2006, Friday the thirteenth fell in October. While this news might get paraskevidekatriaphobics (look it up, fact fans) in a spin, the rest of us can use it as an opportunity to get into the Halloween spirit a whole 18 days early. What’s more,... Read more
From Victorian dreamers such as H.G. Wells and Jules Verne through to modern authors like Veronica Roth, that creative spark has launched readers towards distant planets and far into the future. Despite the fantastical settings Sci Fi has been uncannily accurate at predicting the future. Arthur C Clarke, co... Read more
The Void is a blood-sodden, gore-drenched horror which has been causing big buzz, but is it any good? Here’s our official review!
Read moreThree Great Directors Who Honed Their Craft in Film School
University 11th March 2017 0
Media degrees have been much maligned over the years, but there are plenty of incredible directors out there who have been fundamentally influenced by their time studying film. Media and film degrees offer young directors the chance to master film theory and experiment with their own projects, and can... Read more
This is the first installment in a new series dedicated strictly to the horror genre. My name is Rhiannon Elizabeth Irons and I’ll be your host as we explore Filmoria’s latest series; Chamber of Horrors. Read more