Following our very own Scott Allden’s epic journey into Central London for a trip through various movie landscapes by...
The ever growing LEGO Dimensions game series is adding another DC Comics staple. As the Teen Titans have been set to join the ranks of the LEGO DC Super Heroes. WBIE have released an awesome new trailer from E3 – featuring first looks at newcomers Raven, Starfire and Beast... Read more
LEGO Dimensions is one of those games that seems to have no limits in just how much content it can offer to gamers. With film series’ such as Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts, and the likes of The Goonies and Gremlins already part of the expansive collection, the game... Read more
Newt Scamander may be slowly (and magically) leaving cinemas leading up to Christmas, but that doesn’t stop him and his gang of followers, as well as his dastardly beasts, jumping into the world of LEGO Dimensions and mixing it up with some other famous properties. Following our exceptionally fun... Read more
Following our very own Scott Allden’s epic journey into Central London for a trip through various movie landscapes by way of LEGO, he’s come home with more than a shedload of goodies that will make any man, woman and child envious in the lead-up to Christmas. To celebrate LEGO... Read more
LEGO Dimensions has been one of the major video game releases that eluded me over the last year. But nonetheless it has been a massive step forward in the evolution of the LEGO Games franchise. And after Filmoria were invited to attend a special launch event in London for... Read more