Logline: In an explosive Midwestern Gothic tale spanning two decades, sinister characters converge around young Arvin Russell as he...
Logline: In an explosive Midwestern Gothic tale spanning two decades, sinister characters converge around young Arvin Russell as he fights the evil forces that threaten him and everything he loves. Based on Donald Ray Pollock’s award-winning novel. Synopsis: In Knockemstiff, Ohio and its neighboring backwoods, sinister characters — an... Read more
STARRING JOHN C REILLY, JOAQUIN PHOENIX, JAKE GYLLENHAAL, RIZ AHMED, RUTGER HAUER DIRECTED BY JACQUES AUDIARD From acclaimed director Jacques Audiard (Rust and Bone, A Prophet), and based on the novel by Patrick deWitt, The Sisters Brothers is a reimagining of the cinematic Western as a dangerous, witty, and... Read more