Welcome back to Take Two, a column focusing on two films released in the same year, one a major...
Travel back in time this December to the decade that bought us Indiana Jones, Bill and Ted, and “one of Britain’s loudest bands”. Featuring films from directing legends and a festive fusion of genres, the programme includes: Robert Zemeckis’ ground-breaking live action-animation Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; John Landis’ comedy-horror... Read more
Exploration has become something of an obsession for the human race. Unhappy with our own lot, we have often been known to scout the far reaches of the earth in search of something else, something different and primarily something exciting. The expeditions of infamous explorers Captain Cook and Christopher... Read more
Home security is very important, even in the wonderful world of Hollywood and film so here is a look at some of the most notable security from the big screen featuring everything from CCTV to killer robots. Home Alone Likely the number one film you expected to see on... Read more
Welcome back to Take Two, a column focusing on two films released in the same year, one a major release the other a hidden gem that share similar themes. The first entry focused on 1980 and the theme of trauma, looking at Best Picture winner Ordinary People and indie... Read more