Ocean’s meets hillbilly rock, in the best possible way. Having spent recent years within the realms of television, director...
Cunard Sets Scene For New Steven Soderbergh Feature Film Cunard’s Queen Mary 2 will provide the setting for Oscar ®winning filmmaker’s new film This week (18 – 24 August) the luxury ocean liner Queen Mary 2 will provide the setting for a new film by Oscar® winning filmmaker Steven... Read more
Studiocanal is pleased to announce that the high-speed heist film – Logan Lucky – will be available on Digital Download from 18 December 2017 and on Blu-ray, Ultra-HD and DVD from 26 December 2017. Preorder now: http://amzn.to/2yj2P7W Jimmy Logan (Channing Tatum) is from a blue-collar family from the hills of West... Read more
Welcome to no man’s land. Experience the Godless country November 22, only on Netflix. In a seven-part epic western from Academy Award-winner Steven Soderbergh, executive producer Casey Silver, and Academy Award and Golden Globe-nominated screenwriter and director Scott Frank, the first-ever original limited series Godless comes to Netflix November 22, 2017, and stars Jeff Daniels,... Read more
Ocean’s meets hillbilly rock, in the best possible way. Having spent recent years within the realms of television, director Steven Soderbergh’s loosely termed ‘retirement’ from film is over and, following up on his last film in 2013 – Behind The Candelabra – he is back in familiar territory with... Read more
Daniel Craig may have just confirmed he is definitely returning as James Bond, but he’s got a heist on his plate first as next week sees him escaping from prison and taking part in a daring heist in Steven Soderbergh’s Logan Lucky. With the release in our sights, today... Read more
The kind folks at StudioCanal have provided us with the killer new trailer for Steven Soderbergh’s action comedy, Logan Lucky. Featuring an all-star cast including Channing Tatum, Adam Driver, Daniel Craig, Seth Macfarlane, Katherine Waterston, Sebastian Stan, Hilary Swank, and Riley Keough, the film looks set to be a total... Read more
Arriving online today is the first official look at acclaimed director Steven Soderbergh’s frantic crime caper, Logan Lucky. Sporting a rapid cast including the likes of Channing Tatum, Adam Driver, Daniel Craig, Katherine Waterston, Riley Keough, Katie Holmes, and Hilary Swank, the film looks set to be among the... Read more