The Flash Season 3 Episode 19 – “The Once And Future Flash” Review
ReviewsTV 26th April 2017 Jon Dingle 0

After a lengthy spell on the sidelines, a long overdue return for The Flash arrived this week with ‘The Once And Future Flash’, sending us back to the future in search of the one thing that could take down Savitar and save Iris – the villain’s true identity.
With time running out and their options running slim, Team Flash found themselves reeling this week in their quest to ultimately stop Iris’ future fate. As Caitlin fully embraces her Killer Frost alter-ego and leaves the team for dust it all feels like a battle lost until Barry takes the decision to head back to the future to try and find his future self and uncover Savitar’s true identity.
Heading into the Speed Force, Barry finds himself within a troubling future scenario, with the team and family he knows and loves truly disbanded and very much lost souls. Barry himself has not been active since trapping Savitar in the Speed Force four years prior, Cisco is without powers due to an altercation with Killer Frost and Kid Flash is no more after being incapacitated by Savitar. Joe has lost all the family he knows, Julian is keeping his guilt over Caitlin hanging over his head and HR is, well, HR!
It’s a bleak future vision for Barry and one that offers very little in the way of answers until he realises that he must band the team together once more in order to gain something from his return trip. While his answers for his own present timeline are limited, Barry’s mission instead turns into a success purely down to the fact that he is able to bring together the lost souls and create this improved future for them – even if he may affect this when returning.
This made for compelling viewing, especially the moments in which Grant Gustin interacted with his future self and the ongoing rapport between him and Carlos Valdes. BFF’s forever! It’s this emotional core that make the show such a powerful entity in The CW roster and paves the way for a fascinating last few episodes.
Where the show has also excelled is in its slow build to Caitlin eventually turning into the much darker and unhinged Killer Frost. With her transformation completed following Julian’s decision to save her from certain death, her ice queen hidden deep within is in full force and it’s clear to see Danielle Panabaker is having an absolute ball in the new role. Having escaped STAR Labs, Killer Frost is now at large and her alliance with Savitar poses a really interesting scenario going forward.
‘The Once And Future Flash’ was a fond return to The Flash this week, capturing the very essence of the show’s success and throwing every one of its strengths our way. Grant Gustin once again proves he is a powerhouse leading man and the support he receives from his cohorts is second to none.
The big question posed now is just who is Savitar? After that big ending it is clear that it’s someone Caitlin knows and respects so could we have a turncoat on Team Flash or are we preparing ourselves for the return of a past character? Could Ronnie be on the cards…?
The Flash airs on The CW on Tuesdays.
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