Season 3 of The Flash is now officially concluded and, following the realisation that the show had just killed...
After last week’s venture into the future saw Barry retrieve some vital information in thwarting Savitar, this week’s episode,...
After a lengthy spell on the sidelines, a long overdue return for The Flash arrived this week with ‘The...
After a lengthy spell on the sidelines, a long overdue return for The Flash arrived this week with ‘The Once And Future Flash’, sending us back to the future in search of the one thing that could take down Savitar and save Iris – the villain’s true identity. With... Read more
“Welcome to the jungle, baby.” The very words uttered by Cisco Ramone (Carlos Valdes) this week ushered in what was one of the most visually striking episodes of The Flash’s run so far and it also promised the return of one of the most formidable villains to have made an... Read more
No, you don’t need to rub your eyes and try those tricks to make yourself wake up, you read it correctly, The CW superhero shows The Flash and Supergirl will be part of a crossover once more – only this time they’ll be going all musical. It’s no secret... Read more