Featuring an all-star cast, and directed by the acclaimed Jean-Marc Vallée, HBO's Big Little Lies is our must-watch new...
Netflix have debuted a collection of stills from their forthcoming movie Mute. Check them out here!
From Duncan Jones, the visionary director behind Moon and Source Code, Mute will launch on Netflix on February 23, 2018. You can watch the first trailer for the film below. Berlin, the future, but close enough to feel familiar: In this loud, often brutal city, Leo (Alexander Skarsgård) –... Read more
Featuring an all-star cast, and directed by the acclaimed Jean-Marc Vallée, HBO’s Big Little Lies is our must-watch new show this month.
Read more In what was a strong 2016 for horror, Jeremy Saulnier’s gripping and great ode to punk-rock Green Room, which saw our beloved Professor X AKA Patrick Stewart play a chilling Neo-Nazi and boasted a committed turn from the late Anton Yelchin, was a prime example of such genre brilliance.... Read more
Netflix have debuted a collection of stills from their forthcoming movie Mute. Check them out here!
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