Hallowed Japanese animation house, Studio Ghibli are making their first bold steps into the world of a slightly more...
Check out the exhilarating first theatrical trailer for Ghost in the Shell starring Scarlett Johansson.
Cinematic universes are the in-thing in Hollywood at the moment, with franchises like the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the DC Extended...
The most ambitious visual treat of 2017 so far. As you will have seen from our recent feature on Scarlett Johansson, the esteemed actress has seen her fair share of success in the sci-fi genre, and she continues just that with this year’s Ghost In The Shell, a re-telling... Read more
Beautiful, touching and compelling, we may just have the best animated film of the year… Beating out box-office sensation Your Name for Animation of the Year at the Japan Academy Awards, In This Corner of the World comes with a considerable pedigree. Director Sunao Katabuchi (Mai Mai Miracle) worked... Read more
Hallowed Japanese animation house, Studio Ghibli are making their first bold steps into the world of a slightly more long-form style of storytelling, with this children’s television series, streaming worldwide on Amazon Prime. Directed by Gorō Miyazaki, the son of acclaimed Ghibli director and co-founder of the animation studios,... Read more
Ronja, the Robber’s Daughter – the new TV show from Studio Ghibli – is coming to a streaming service near you.
Read moreCheck out the exhilarating first theatrical trailer for Ghost in the Shell starring Scarlett Johansson.
Read moreIt seems as though original anime director Mamoru Oshii is a pretty big fan of the forthcoming Ghost in the Shell adaptation!
Read more Cinematic universes are the in-thing in Hollywood at the moment, with franchises like the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the DC Extended Universe and Fox’s X-Men Movie Universe dominating the box office. There are more in the pipeline, with the likes of a Valiant Comics Cinematic Universe, a Universal Monsters Cinematic Universe,... Read more