Following impressive viewing figures, Netflix have today confirmed that a sequel to David Ayer’s Bright, starring Will Smith and...
Despite an apparent mis-step in the relationship between David Ayer and Warner Bros seeing Suicide Squad clearly chopped and...
Following impressive viewing figures, Netflix have today confirmed that a sequel to David Ayer’s Bright, starring Will Smith and Joel Edgerton, is to happen with the trio expected to all return in their respective roles. Despite many negative reviews and even director Ayer addressing such negativity towards his film,... Read more
The streets of Los Angeles will never be the same. This December, Will Smith and Joel Edgerton bring the heat (and some hardcore deadly magic) to fans across the world in the Netflix film, Bright. Directed by David Ayer, known for the box-office hits such as Suicide Squad and... Read more
David Ayer would have been more than happy with Will Smith’s performance in the much-criticised Warner Bros/DC venture of Suicide Squad, so naturally the pair have gone on to work on another project in the form of Netflix’s Bright. Due for release on the streaming service in December, Bright... Read more
It’s a film that was universally panned by critics, garnered a rather mixed response from audiences and yet still made a ton of money for DC and Warner Bros (a tidy $745 million to be precise), but it appears David Ayer still isn’t quite satisfied to leave Suicide Squad... Read more
Despite an apparent mis-step in the relationship between David Ayer and Warner Bros seeing Suicide Squad clearly chopped and changed to create critical havoc earlier this year, this week saw the confirmation that the director is to return to DC realms and bring to life Gotham City Sirens, fronted... Read more
Honest Trailers do their thing brilliantly with this hilariously accurate offering for DC Comics’ Suicide Squad.
Read more In recent memory, it would be difficult to say the least to find a film that has been more polarising among audiences that David Ayer’s Suicide Squad. It’s a film that has garnered mass negativity from critics worldwide and is dividing audiences to the point of many questioning where... Read more