A remarkable new British independent feature film has been completed after four years of passionate crowdfunding by young actor...
Marc Zammit’s Aptitude Films is delighted and proud to announce that their remarkable new British independent feature film HOMELESS ASHES will have its UK Premiere at this year’s prestigious Film Festival RAINDANCE on Monday 23rd September at 21.15 at the Vue Cinema London – Piccadilly London-born actor Marc Zammit, making... Read more
Synopsis: Frankie (Hector Bateman-Harden) is a young boy who stands up to his fear and runs away from an abusive home only to grow-up trying to survive on the streets. After fleeing from his parents Stuart (Dean Maskell) and Abbie (Angela Dixon), he falls-in with junkies including Viv (Kirsty... Read more
A remarkable new British independent feature film has been completed after four years of passionate crowdfunding by young actor Marc Zammit, also making his directorial debut with HOMELESS ASHES, which shines a light on homelessness and gives the homeless people a voice. HOMELESS ASHES tells the story of Frankie,... Read more