Looking for kickstart your day on the positive note? You have reached the right place! These top 5 Inspirational...
It’s that time of the year where we debate whether Die Hard truly is a Christmas film, scoff our...
It’s Christmas Eve and if you’re lucky enough to be free from the shackles of work over the festive...
Looking for kickstart your day on the positive note? You have reached the right place! These top 5 Inspirational quotes from the world of movies will get the momentum going for you… Immerse yourself in the world of Will Smith, Sylvester Stallone, Letitia Wright and other mega stars. We... Read more
It’s that time of the year where we debate whether Die Hard truly is a Christmas film, scoff our faces full with pigs in blankets and mince pies, and crack out those board games to prove who really is the superior member of the family. Thankfully, it also means... Read more
Yet another Lord of the Rings game worthy of your extended time… Having already come across a mass variety of orcs across a single player campaign that has spanned more than plenty of hours, it immediately becomes clear that Middle-Earth: Shadow Of War is a game that has seen... Read more
Some time ago before Christmas the team here at Filmoria came together to present to you our favourite movie soundtracks, culminating in an array of talented composers and classic theme songs, and now a new survey carried out has done just that, with Titanic coming out on top. James... Read more
When it comes to spanning book/movie properties that transcend to the plains of console gaming, Middle-Earth seems the ultimate prospect to transfer over to the gaming platform, if only for the sheer scope of Tolkien’s world. And that is no more evident than in the latest video that introduces... Read more
As birds are such a wonderful part of the human experience, it’s no surprise that they have flown into our art, and ultimately the films we love. This is why bird experts Kennedy Wild Bird Food have created a list of 5 Iconic Birds in Cinema. This list is... Read more
It’s Christmas Eve and if you’re lucky enough to be free from the shackles of work over the festive period then it’s more than likely that you’ve scanned all the available movies to watch and have your own hitlist to work through during the holidays. While much of that... Read more
Combining a love for film with a trip overseas is a great way to indulge in your passion for flicks and a love for travel at the same time. There are loads of famous filming locations across the planet you can enjoy. But for those feeling a little more... Read more