This is the first installment in a new series dedicated strictly to the horror genre. My name is Rhiannon...
This Halloween, streaming service NOW TV launches a ‘Clowncer’ service, offering Brits a creepy clown bouncer to deter trick-or-treaters This Halloween, streaming service NOW TV is launching a spooktacular nationwide service, offering Brits a free creepy clown bouncer, or “clowncer,” to deter mischief-making trick-or-treaters and guarantee an undisturbed night... Read more
Fright night classic, Halloween returns to the big screen at Vue, as Michael Myers is voted one of the UK’s most feared horror characters UK’S SCARIEST HORROR MOVIE CHARACTERS Hannibal Lecter (The Silence of the Lambs) Freddy Krueger (A Nightmare on Elm Street) Pennywise the Clown (It) Leatherface (The... Read more
Halloween is only nine days away, which means that costume prep and scary movie season is in full swing. In advance of the spooky night, we’ve worked with our trends experts at YouTube to see what’s capturing the attention of people this season in the UK. YouTube is able... Read more
For the first time since 2006, Friday the thirteenth fell in October. While this news might get paraskevidekatriaphobics (look it up, fact fans) in a spin, the rest of us can use it as an opportunity to get into the Halloween spirit a whole 18 days early. What’s more,... Read more
Lawrie Brewster’s eagerly awaited Gothic Noir The Black Gloves will screen at Horror Channel FrightFest’s Halloween extravaganza in London on the 28th of October. The 1940s-set black and white chiller, starring horror darling Macarena Gómez features alongside a choice line-up of horror premieres including Housewife, from Baskin director Can... Read more
To capitalise on a record breaking 9 months in UK cinemas, with box- office receipts running 6% ahead of 2016 (equivalent to an extra £60 million of ticket sales so far this year), and a spectacular line-up of British films still to be released by the end of 2017,... Read more
I want to play a game. No, not one of my horror movie trivia games. I mean an actual game. One you might have played when you were a child. You stand here and count to ten. I’m going to go hide. No? Don’t worry, it’s all in the... Read more
This is the first installment in a new series dedicated strictly to the horror genre. My name is Rhiannon Elizabeth Irons and I’ll be your host as we explore Filmoria’s latest series; Chamber of Horrors. Read more