In a world where a tyrannical, self-indulgent and incessantly repugnant leader is in charge of one of the most...
This Oscar’s, continuing the trend of previous years, provided its fair share of truly inspiring stories brought to life by the most impressive of filmmakers. Among those up for the Best Picture award was audience favourite, Hidden Figures, the inspiring untold story of three black women whose contributions to... Read more
In a world where a tyrannical, self-indulgent and incessantly repugnant leader is in charge of one of the most powerful countries, we’ve seen plenty of evidence where we the people can unite to show such individuals that togetherness and community rules supreme. This has stretched within the film community... Read more
Check out a brand new clip & video featurette from Oscar-nominated biopic Hidden Figures!
Read moreBAFTA-nomianted for Best Adapted Screenplay, check out these fantastic new videos for Hidden Figures!
Read moreUncover the incredible true story of Hidden Figures with these exclusive video featurette and new movie clip!
Read more Telling the fascinating story behind the women who served as some of the greatest minds behind NASA, Hidden Figures is one of those 2017 releases that we are sure will capture hearts, imaginations and much more, especially with its stellar cast having already made waves in other movies and... Read more