Logline: In an explosive Midwestern Gothic tale spanning two decades, sinister characters converge around young Arvin Russell as he...
Miss Multiverse Australia is an exciting, edgy and fun filled reality TV show, with a touch of drama and...
Nothing beats Netflix and a pint after a long day at work. This year, there are even more reasons...
Ahead of Season 3’s dramatic return this weekend, check out this incredible new trailer for Star Wars Rebels!
Read more With Christmas just gone around the corner, and the realisation that you probably got socks from your mother five years in a row, the New Year gave us all a gift that we can be excited about (not to imply your mother’s socks aren’t great). The first episode of... Read more
It looks like Barry Allen is going to have his hands full when The Flash returns to American screens in January as he takes to jumping forward in time in an attempt to save the life of his one true love, Iris West. As the conclusion of the first half... Read more
If you didn’t know already, we are massive fans of the latest HBO series, Westworld, and our five-star review just a few weeks back following its conclusion was the biggest indicator of just that. Now that we’re heading towards Christmas and the close of the year, it’s a great... Read more
Fresh from his role in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, Forest Whitaker and Saw Gerrera are heading for Star Wars Rebels!
Read more It’s all too often these days that we simply have to read about cast announcements for projects, whether they be for films or television, so Disney XD’s way of announcing the new cast for their updated version of DuckTales seems rather inspired. Instead of just giving a classic list... Read more
The third season of The Flash has opened up a whole world of new possibilities for characters, with Barry’s trip to Flashpoint somewhat altering the whole landscape of the show and its scope. It not only allowed for for changes in the other DC shows, but also meant that... Read more
While their somewhat on the ropes in the cinematic stakes, it’s clear that when it comes to television DC and Warner Bros can certainly deliver to their audience. Their television properties are thriving at the moment under the banner of The CW network in America and provide a great... Read more
Ahead of Rogue One, we take a look at the best characters from narrative next door neighbours Star Wars Rebels!
Read more It’s a question that’s been asked a thousand times over. Why are horror movies so popular? The Filmoria Chamber of Horrors is now open to the discussion. Read more
Three guests from Marvel’s upcoming Netflix series Iron Fist have been announced for next year’s London Film and Comic Con. Showmasters have got in early to add Finn Jones, Jessica Henwick and Tom Pelphrey to their event, taking place on 28th-30th July 2017 at the Olympia. Jones and Henwick, who... Read more