For their eighth fully animated feature, Illumination and Universal Pictures present The Grinch, based on Dr. Seuss’ beloved holiday classic. The...
‘The Final Problem’, Sherlock’s series conclusion and possible finale to the entire series. With the thought of Moriarty still...
Sherlock returns in the second episode of the fourth season, but was The Lying Detective any good? Here's our...
With a matter of weeks until its release, Marvel have unveiled the latest featurette for upcoming spectacular, Avengers: Infinity War, which you can now watch below. Avengers: Infinity War bands together the biggest cast ever for a Marvel film since the MCU began with it consisting of Anthony Mackie,... Read more
For their eighth fully animated feature, Illumination and Universal Pictures present The Grinch, based on Dr. Seuss’ beloved holiday classic. The Grinch tells the story of a cynical grump who goes on a mission to steal Christmas, only to have his heart changed by a young girl’s generous holiday spirit. Funny, heart... Read more
Academy Award®, BAFTA and Golden Globe® nominated actor Benedict Cumberbatch is set to star in Gypsy Boy, the film adaptation based on Mikey Walsh’s best-selling memoirs, it was announced today by producers Dee Koppang O’Leary and Kevin Loader. Morgan Matthews, the two-time BAFTA Award winning director whose first narrative... Read more
Sherlock’s series four finale drew in an audience of 5.9 million. Its stars, Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman, have gone on to head in their own franchises. The show’s twists and turns frequently throw the twittersphere into a furore, and it’s been both praised, criticised as too Bond-esque, and,... Read more
Great news Marvel fans! Avengers: Infinity War is officially underway. Check out this awesome Behind-the-Scenes look.
Read more ‘The Final Problem’, Sherlock’s series conclusion and possible finale to the entire series. With the thought of Moriarty still looming behind somewhere in the world, is this the end to the critically acclaimed series? The finale explores more of the unknown Holmes third sibling Eurus (Sian Brooke). Apparently a... Read more
Sherlock returns in the second episode of the fourth season, but was The Lying Detective any good? Here’s our review.
Read more With Christmas just gone around the corner, and the realisation that you probably got socks from your mother five years in a row, the New Year gave us all a gift that we can be excited about (not to imply your mother’s socks aren’t great). The first episode of... Read more
Doctor Strange will be joining Thor and The Hulk in the forthcoming superhero epic!
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