Supergirl S03E16 – Of Two Minds Alike the title of the episode, Of Two Minds tackles conflicting ideology between two...
Supergirl S03E13 – Both Sides Now The fight against the worldkillers continue, as Supergirl and co. find the first of what...
Christmas is no time to be celebrating when all our heroes lose something this mid-season finale Supergirl S03E09 –...
After a month long break, Season 5 of Arrow returns. We last saw Chase blissfully fleeing a crime scene and Team Arrow clueless in how to find him. Dangerous Liaisons sets up the last stretch of the season with more problems for Team Arrow whilst still being clueless in how to... Read more
It’s been long rumoured and demanded. But finally, Arrow co-creator Marc Guggenheim has officially confirmed via Twitter, that fan-favourite antagonist Deathstroke (aka Slade Wilson) will be returning to The CW action drama. Once again portrayed by Manu Bennett, in its season 5 finale. Guggenheim’s post from yesterday (with Bennett... Read more
Oliver comes full circle with the Bratva by inviting Anatoly in Star City. Oliver is at an all time low after last week’s mental and physical breakdown, so he enlists the Bratva to kill Chase. Having lost all hope and will to continue to put on his hooded ego,... Read more
If there was one character from the Arrowverse who we’ve been screaming out to get her own costume and possibly full-blown hero alter-ego it has to be Emily Bett Rickards’ Felicity Smoak. While she does go under the guise of Overwatch in Arrow, we’ve yet to see Felicity turn... Read more
Arrow manages to continue their recent form in a flashback heavy episode. The second half of Season 5 of Arrow has shifted into a very dark and heavy centric-theme exploring the motivations and histories of the characters. Kapiushon manages to tackle the largest motive for Oliver’s lust to kill, albeit he has... Read more
Oliver has been playing checkers this whole time while Prometheus has been playing chess. Always 10 steps ahead, Oliver confronts Adrian Chase for the first time after last week’s big reveal that Prometheus and Chase are one and the same. No matter how hard Oliver tries, Adrian knows exactly what... Read more
He’s been a regular figurehead in the DC television show Legends Of Tomorrow and now the latest playable character to be revealed for the upcoming Injustice 2 is Firestorm! With the latest trailer showcasing the hero’s rather sizzling powers, we get to witness him as he takes on both Oliver... Read more
For all the television and film adaptations of DC’s classic superheroes, there’s a surprising limitation to their heroes being represented in the gaming world. Admittedly, Batman has garnered a fantastic Arkham series in the past but the other heroes of the DC comic book pages have rarely resulted in... Read more
Prometheus is finally back on the screen, and in a episode filled with action and revelations, Fighting Fire with Fire was an episode not to be missed. Last week’s episode left Oliver Queen trying to save his career from the cop killing scandal that could possibly destroy him as the mayor, as... Read more
In a much more dark and real theme, Spectre of the Gun showcases Arrow‘s take on gun control. An extremely hot topic that can never be boiled down to 45 minutes, Arrow manages to present both sides of gun control through its main characters in an easy to follow format. Whilst... Read more
A common theme in season 5 of Arrow has been trying to overcoming past mistakes, but has Oliver done this when Team Arrow takes a trip to Russia? With absolutely no sign of Promethus again and Diggle rejoining the team, the team finds out General Walker is about to sell a... Read more
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