Following a rather stacked Sunday that featured a whole host of the obligatory big release trailers during the Super...
Universal’s Dark Universe gets off to a bumpy start with a Tom Cruise-led update of The Mummy… Dating all...
Competition – Win The Mummy Merchandise!
Competitions Jun 5, 2017 0
The epic action-adventure The Mummy awakens in cinemas June 9th. To celebrate, we’ve teamed up with Universal Pictures to give...
$789+ Million Worldwide Blockbuster Comes Home to Download & Keep on November 19,On 4K Ultra HD, Blu-ray™ & DVD December 3, 2018 “The action is off-the-charts spectacular” (Peter Travers, Rolling Stone) in the “wildly entertaining” (Chris Nashawaty, Entertainment Weekly) global hit MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE—FALLOUT, available to Download & Keep November... Read more
As the promotional trail ramps up towards the July release of Mission: Impossible – Fallout, Paramount have released a brand new featurette focusing on the stunts. You can watch the video below. The best intentions often come back to haunt you. MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE – FALLOUT finds Ethan Hunt (Tom... Read more
Following a rather stacked Sunday that featured a whole host of the obligatory big release trailers during the Super Bowl, one trailer that stood out from the crowd featured Tom Cruise in a crazy helicopter stunt and the action man himself trading fisticuffs with none other than Henry Cavill.... Read more
The first poster for Tom Cruise’s upcoming return as Ethan Hunt in Mission: Impossible – Fallout is here, ahead of the trailer, which is set for release in the coming days. You can view the poster below. The best intentions often come back to haunt you. MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE –... Read more
Universal Pictures Home Entertainment presents American Made, based on the outrageous and real exploits of a hustler and pilot unexpectedly recruited by the CIA coming to Digital on 18th December 2017 and 4K Ultra HD, Blu-rayTM and DVD on 26th December 2017. Tom Cruise (Top Gun, Mission: Impossible Series)... Read more
Blockbuster or Bank-buster? The Hollywood actors that are worth the dollar, and those that aren’t. The right choice of well-known actors can make or break a Hollywood hit, but which actors actually bring in the big bucks for the film companies and which aren’t worth the cash? New research... Read more
Universal’s Dark Universe gets off to a bumpy start with a Tom Cruise-led update of The Mummy… Dating all the way back to the original iteration of the classic movie monster, The Mummy has seen rebirths aplenty through the years with the likes of Boris Karloff, Christopher Lee and... Read more
Universal’s Dark Universe gets off to a bumpy start with a Tom Cruise-led update of The Mummy… Dating all the way back to the original iteration of the classic movie monster, The Mummy has seen rebirths aplenty through the years with the likes of Boris Karloff, Christopher Lee and... Read more
Storming online this evening is the riotous debut trailer for Doug Liman’s much-antiticpated crime caper, American Made. Set in the shimmering 1980s, and starring Tom Cruise in the lead role, the film is based on the factual accounts of Barry Seal; a drugs baron involved in one of the... Read more
Competition – Win The Mummy Merchandise!
CompetitionsMovies 5th June 2017 0
The epic action-adventure The Mummy awakens in cinemas June 9th. To celebrate, we’ve teamed up with Universal Pictures to give you the chance to win one of two merchandise packs which includes a foil printed t-shirt, 8GB USB, lenticular artwork and a presentation box – we have two packs to... Read more
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