The anthology documentary feature film ‘Places of the Future’, featuring Desmond Dickerson, Caroline Styr, and Rob Brown is releasing...
First & Ten, in cooperation with Cybercom Group, has just released Bamblup: Motion to Win, an augmented reality mobile...
Board games are a great way to pass the time between friends. Just like video games, or any other game out there actually, they can provide entertainment and hours and hours of fun for everyone involved. Here are five board games based on videogames that we think are totally... Read more
As of January 2018, the Nintendo has sold almost 15 million units of its newest addition to the family, the Nintendo Switch. In fact, it sold 1.5 million units in December alone. Considering the fact that it was only released in March 2017, its sales performance is definitely impressive.... Read more
We’re still a long way to go from Halloween, but you know where zombies still shine regardless of the time of the year? Video games! From first-person shooters to role-playing games, zombies always have a spot in this part of the world. Here are five video games we think... Read more
It’s pretty easy to see that 2018 is going to be a great year for video games, with all the announcements of upcoming games slowly making its way to passionate fans. Despite the fact that January didn’t see a lot of releases, some big titles such as Monster Hunter:... Read more
Cuphead has taken the gaming world by storm and continues to receive stellar reviews from both independent and major outlets, hailing the release as nothing short of a Technicolor masterpiece. After years in development the acclaimed Cuphead finally found its way to the market, much to long term supporter’s... Read more
The movie industry has been enjoying quite the time. Blockbusters have been breaking records for viewership and billings for the last few years as if it’s nothing. The quality of motion pictures as well as the budget and talent behind them has tremendously improved over the years. For many... Read more
Words by Rebecca Vaxon With almost three quarters already passed, 2017 has proved an extremely interesting and innovative year for the Gaming Industry and Community worldwide. As the revolution of visual graphics continues, each of the top Game developers is upping their game, constantly surprising their fan with even... Read more
Words by Owen Trewartha Gaming fans rejoice as we see the legendary Crash Bandicoot spin, jump and face-plant his way back onto our screens. After a long absence, Naughty Dog has jumped on the nostalgia train with other franchises such as Banjo-Kazooie (in the form of Yooka-Laylee) and Abe’s... Read more
After an enormous marketing campaign and an online beta that attracted over 9.7 million players, Overwatch was released globally on 24 May 2016 for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Debuting to an enormous amount of critical praise, the game has continued its seemingly insurmountable rise. With countless players... Read more
Mass Effect: Andromeda, the fourth title in Bioware’s award-winning game series is officially released on March 23rd in the UK. With the ending of Mass Effect 3 leaving a sour taste in many mouths, we are optimistic that Andromeda can restore the series back to its rightful status. To... Read more
Words: Joshua Mason Computer Games have been around since the 1972 when the first ever console, the Magnavox Odyssey was released. In the almost 50 years since then, the gaming industry has intrinsically becoming part of our lives on a par with TV and Film. This has created its... Read more
We have been in need of a new puzzle game for a while now. Portal 2 came and went and the Tomb Raider and Unchartered franchises are a bit more action orientated than perhaps a true puzzle fanatic would like. Step forward please, Imprint-X. Mix a great idea with... Read more